Based on its success in West Africa (Establishment of banque atlantique in 08 West African countries Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Togo), Atlantic Financial Group chose Cameroon as the starting point for its expansion into Central Africa. On September 19, 2008, AFG Bank Cameroun obtained its initial approval.
Thus, by the Memorandum of Understanding of January 10, 2008 signed between the Groupe banque atlantique and Amity Bank Cameroon Plc, and by asset transfer agreement with assumption of liabilities between Amity Bank Cameroon Plc and banque atlantique Cameroun SA, AFG Bank Cameroun took over assets from Amity Bank Cameroon Plc. This Protocol validated by Ministerial Order No. 00000483/MINFI of September 19, 2008, following the assent of COBAC, was signed, on the side of Amity Bank Plc, by the Banking Commission’s Agent who was acting as provisional administrator of the institution.
In February 2015: Banque atlantique Cameroun SA signed a new Memorandum of Understanding with Amity Bank Cameroon in Liquidation as well as a new asset transfer agreement with assumption of liabilities between the two parties. In July 2015: BANQUE ATLANTIQUE obtains a new approval as a credit institution in the universal banking category by decree No. deg; 00000322/MINFI of July 06, 2015. Between 2014 and 2019: The bank focuses on expanding its branch network. Bertoua and Kribi branches opened. In November 2018: Banque atlantique Cameroun becomes the dedicated bank for the payment of the SGS import verification fee pour le compte de l'Etat du Cameroun. In 2019: BANQUE ATLANTIQUE is retained as the "escrow agent" by the donor EXIM-BANK CHINA in the framework of the financing of phases 1 and 2 of the Kribi Deep Water Project. In 2020: For the first time in its history, BANQUE ATLANTIQUE is listed among the domiciliation banks of the World Bank and African Development Bank projects, thus demonstrating the credibility and solidity of BANQUE ATLANTIQUE. At the end of the first half of 2020, with a strong participation in the public sector, banque atlantique Cameroun is ranked 6th out of 15 banks in the market and is the 1st bank in terms of growth of resources and jobs.
(Français) Reprise des agences d’Amity Bank, soit 8 agences et 2 cash points.
(Français) Inauguration de nouvelles agences à Bonapriso (Douala) et Hippodrome (Yaoundé).
(Français) Accord de financement de 190 milliards de FCFA signé avec l’État pour des infrastructures sociales.
(Français) Signature d’un nouveau protocole d’accord avec Amity Bank.
(Français) Obtention d’un nouvel agrément bancaire universel.
(Français) Extension du réseau avec les agences de Bertoua et Kribi.
(Français) BACM devient banque de règlement pour la taxe de vérification SGS.
(Français) BACM est désignée escrow agent pour le projet d’eaux profondes de Kribi.
(Français) BACM figure parmi les banques de domiciliation pour des projets Banque Mondiale et BAD, et est classée 6ᵉ au sein du secteur bancaire camerounais.
(Français) Banque Atlantique Cameroun devient officiellement AFG Bank Cameroun.